Monday, September 1, 2008

happiness in work

I choose topic about something I learn about the secrets of happiness in work. For happiness in work we must be open minded and think positive always. Then, I learned we must be ask for with people of happy in work. And then, improve the work so that get working in happy. Other than, enjoy your colleagues, is a very important of happy in work, so we must be enjoy in your work. Have a great focus during the activity, don’t think about anything else. The secrets of happiness in work is a share ideas. We improve relationship with boss and maybe met yourself a chance at a promotion. We really interested in the brain and how people. Reactions and feelings is very important for can happy in work. Then. Your career is not just the pursuit of satisfaction that keep you dependent on employers. It’s the pursuit of contentment derived from work made meaningful by the use of talents to fulfill purposes for working. And then, choose have a good job in advertising secrets of happiness in work.
In addition, I learned the characteristics, there is one of the following characteristics. Usually, there is a combination of several of them. First, challenge and possibility the activity must be both challenging and a mountain. Seconds, we must be focus in work don’t think about anything else. Third, control people have some feeling of control and don’t just follow directions from another person.
In conclusion, for happiness in work we must be hardworking and sincere in work. This I learned about the secret happiness in work.

perfect career

My idea of the perfect career is in Educate, I’m going to become a lecture or teacher. I want became a teach in mathematic. For three reasons why I choose career is in educate in mathematic. First, I’m fascinated mathematic and teach, the way the children. Second, I enjoy teach people especially children because I loving to children. Educate involves changing people’s lives in a positive way and educate people became to success person in future . And last reason, I liable to educate nation child became mankind person avail to family, kingdom, nation, and religion. And I an expectant to exclamation government for produce capital mankind and produce “ULUL ALBAB”. My research might make a big different in the world. Study in school takes many long, hard years. However, I’m really ready for this challenge.